CGAM Kyokushin Karaté : Dojo Gillicien d'Arts-Martiaux
Seiken Chudan Jun Tsuki
Seiken Chudan Jun Tsuki is a punching technique used in Kyokushin karate. It translates to 'Straight Punch to the Midsection.' In this technique, the practitioner delivers a straight punch with the lead hand targeting the opponent's midsection (chudan).
The Punch is executed with speed, precision, and power, aiming to strike the opponent's abdomen or solar plexus area directly. Seiken Chudan Jun Tsuki is a fundamental technique used for offense and defense. Proper execution of this technique involves generating power from the lower body, rotating the hips and torso, and extending the arm explosively in a straight line towards the target. Practitioners train in Seiken Chudan Jun Tsuki to develop accuracy, timing, and the ability to deliver effective strikes in various combat situations.
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