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Dojo Itami Nashi Kyokushin Karate

Dojo Itami Nashi Kyokushin Karate


Seiken Morote Jodan Tsuki

Seiken Morote Jodan Tsuki is a punching technique used in Kyokushin karate. It translates to 'Double-Handed Upper-Level Punch.' In this technique, the practitioner delivers a punch to the opponent's upper region (jodan) using both hands simultaneously (morote). The punch is typically aimed at the face, throat, or solar plexus. By utilizing both hands, the practitioner can generate increased power and speed in the punch, making it a potent offensive technique. Seiken Morote Jodan Tsuki requires coordination of footwork, hip rotation, and arm extension to deliver a swift and forceful punch while maintaining balance and stability.


  • 上段jodan / face area
  • 突きtsuki / punch
  • 両手morote / both hands
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