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Skoger & Fjell Karateklubb


Seiken Jodan Age Tsuki

Seiken Jodan Age Tsuki is a technique in Kyokushin karate. It translates to 'Forefist Upper-Level Rising Punch.' This technique involves delivering a rising punch with the forefist targeting the opponent's upper body or head. The term 'Seiken' refers to the forefist, 'Jodan' indicates the upper level, 'Age' means rising, and 'Tsuki' refers to the punching motion. It is commonly used to attack the opponent's face or jawline, aiming to disrupt their balance and create openings for follow-up techniques.


  • 上段jodan / face area
  • 上げage / raised
  • 突きtsuki / punch
  • 蹴上keage / kick up
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