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Karate Shotokan 5th Kyu


Tate Zuki

In Shotokan Karate, 'Tate Zuki' refers to a vertical punch executed with the fist in a vertical position, where the arm moves directly upward from the guard position. This punch emphasizes speed and precision, aiming to strike with the knuckles of the fist in a straight line towards the target, typically aimed at the solar plexus or chin of the opponent. The vertical orientation of the fist distinguishes Tate Zuki from other types of punches like Gyaku Zuki (reverse punch), which are delivered with a horizontal fist. Tate Zuki is often practiced as part of basic kihon (fundamental techniques) training to develop proper alignment, power generation from the hips, and quick execution in Shotokan Karate.




  • tate / vertical
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