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Karate Shotokan 6th Kyu


Fudo Dachi

Fudo Dachi, or the 'Immovable Stance,' is a strong and versatile stance used in Shotokan Karate. It combines elements of both forward and backward stances, providing stability and flexibility for rapid movements. The feet are positioned slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, with the front foot pointing forward and the back foot turned slightly outward. The weight is evenly distributed between both legs, with a slight bend in the knees to lower the center of gravity. This stance allows for quick transitions to various techniques and stances, making it ideal for both offensive and defensive actions. Fudo Dachi emphasizes grounding and balance, enabling the practitioner to absorb and deliver powerful strikes while maintaining a solid foundation. It is often used in kata and kumite, showcasing its importance in both traditional practice and practical application.

Fudo Dachi不動立

Fudo Dachi


  • 立ちdachi / stance
  • 不動fudo / immobility / fixed
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