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Karate Shotokan 7th Kyu


Shuto Uchi

Shuto Uchi, or Knife-Hand Strike, is a fundamental technique in Shotokan Karate where the hand is open, and the strike is delivered using the edge of the hand from the pinky finger to the wrist. The technique can be executed in various directions, such as downward, inward, or outward, and is aimed at targeting vulnerable areas like the neck, collarbone, or temple. Proper execution involves a snapping motion, often combined with a twist of the hips and shoulders to increase power and speed. Shuto Uchi is versatile, used both in offensive and defensive maneuvers, and is featured in numerous kata and self-defense applications. This strike requires precision and control, emphasizing the importance of correct hand positioning and alignment to avoid injury and maximize effectiveness.




  • 手刀shuto / knife Hand
  • 打ち / 内uchi / strike / inside
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